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Instruments & Systems, India

Listed Under: Industrial Automation | Industrial and Machinery
Instruments & Systems was started in 1985 with view to provide automation solutions to Sugar Industries, where the automation was still in its nascent stage at that time. In the year 2000 company decided to diversify in the manufacturing of control valves. Over the period time company has invested in various dies, moulds and patterns of various valves and its components. Computerised order Processing and Production Quality Control System, Latest Manufacturing Technique by using CAD/CAM, CNC Machining and assembling systems, ensures high precision product, completely interchangeable and suiting to aesthetic of modern times, yet economically produced. The company has an engineering and technical expertise together with the facilities to address the diverse automation demands.

Product Details
Electro Pneumatic Positioner,Pressure Transmitter,Industrail Valves

Instruments & Systems

Contact Information
Company: Instruments & Systems
Address: Mohebwala Industrial Area
Telephone: 00911352641580
Fax: 00911352644097

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